Marhaba! Ana ismi Soma. Ana min Florida. Shu ismuck? Oh. Inta min wen? Keefuck aleyom? Mishmneh?
I started learning "Arabic" today. I add the quotations because we're not learning how to read or write the language, so I have no idea how grammatically (in)correct I am. But hell, it's free (thanks NYU), and I just need to be able to at least try communicating.
Nothing interesting happened today. There was a palpable buzz in the air, though, what I imagine to be the build up to Valentine's Day. I usually forget about VD until someone reminds me, which is normally the day of. But New York is a dramatic bitch and makes a big deal about everything. Every store-front, restaurant window, etc, has some sort of VD related promotion going on or red decorations. Couples are already starting to partake in excessive PDA and saccharine mushiness.
Isn't it weird, though, that red is supposed to be the color of anger and love...and BLOOD? I guess it's more the color of overall passion, but yo, that's kind of fucked up. Whatever, it's justification for why I plan on watching My Bloody Valentine 3D!!!!! this weekend.
I started learning "Arabic" today. I add the quotations because we're not learning how to read or write the language, so I have no idea how grammatically (in)correct I am. But hell, it's free (thanks NYU), and I just need to be able to at least try communicating.
Nothing interesting happened today. There was a palpable buzz in the air, though, what I imagine to be the build up to Valentine's Day. I usually forget about VD until someone reminds me, which is normally the day of. But New York is a dramatic bitch and makes a big deal about everything. Every store-front, restaurant window, etc, has some sort of VD related promotion going on or red decorations. Couples are already starting to partake in excessive PDA and saccharine mushiness.
Isn't it weird, though, that red is supposed to be the color of anger and love...and BLOOD? I guess it's more the color of overall passion, but yo, that's kind of fucked up. Whatever, it's justification for why I plan on watching My Bloody Valentine 3D!!!!! this weekend.
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